Literary Works Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 17
Who wrote the science fiction short story 'Nightfall' in 1941 at the age of 21?
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isaac asimov
What Kafka novel contains a portion published separately under the title 'Before the Law'?
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In which Somerset Maugham book does the unattractive and self-seeking Mildred Rogers enslave Philip Carey?
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of human bondage
What dystopian novel features the region of Oceania and was published in 1949?
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Which author wrote the stage adaptation of his own novel 'The Deer Park,' starring Rip Torn and Marsha Mason?
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norman mailer
Which American author wrote the 1913 novel 'O Pioneers!', which tells the story of Swedish settlers in Nebraska?
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willa cather
What is the title of Herman Melville's 1846 narrative about life with a tribe of cannibals, which was followed by the sequel 'Omoo'?
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When it was first published, what book by Mark Twain detailing his travels to Europe was predominantly sold by door-to-door salesmen?
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innocents abroad
Who is the author of both 'Song of the Broad-Axe' and the well-known 'Song of Myself'?
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walt whitman
What is the title of the diary written by an anonymous author that was inspired by the Jefferson Airplane song 'White Rabbit'?
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go ask alice
What is the title of the 4-volume magnum opus by Lawrence Durrell that he suggested should ideally be read simultaneously?
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alexandria quartet
What is the title of the 1959 novel by Walter Tevis that takes place in the realm of billiards?
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What is the title of the Kafka novel in which Chapter II is called 'First Interrogation'?
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Which book's first edition was described as 'translated from the original equine, by Anna Sewell'?
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black beauty
What is the title of Richard Wright's first novel, which tells the story of a Black youth named Bigger Thomas?
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native son
What is the name of the autobiographical work based on notebooks Hemingway kept in Paris that was published posthumously?
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moveable feast
Which H.G. Wells novel starts with the line, 'The stranger came early in February, one wintry day'?
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invisible man
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