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Literary Works Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 66

Which author wrote 'The Martian Chronicles' where Earth's colonization of Mars begins in 1999?

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ray bradbury

Which author wrote the first-person story 'The Tell-Tale Heart'?

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edgar allan poe

Who published the tale of 'A Christmas Carol' when he was 31?

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charles dickens

What is the name of Alice Walker's third novel?

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color purple

Which author created the character Frederic Henry, who is wounded by a shell while eating cheese and macaroni in the book 'A Farewell to Arms'?

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ernest hemingway

In which Chaucer classic does the knight narrate the first story?

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canterbury tales

Which book has best selling versions titled 'The Living', 'The New English', and 'The Revised Standard'?

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Which Bram Stoker novel begins with the first four chapters written as Jonathan Harker's journal entries?

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Which British author published 'East, West' in 1995, his first book of adult fiction since 'The Satanic Verses'?

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salman rushdie

What is the title of the Hemingway story in which thugs visit Henry's diner to kill a prizefighter?

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Which author, known for 'The Other Side of Midnight,' wrote the 1995 bestseller 'Morning, Noon & Night'?

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sidney sheldon

Which girl's diary served as the basis for the play that won Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett the Pulitzer Prize in 1956?

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anne frank

Which author's novel 'You Can't Go Home Again' was published posthumously?

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thomas wolfe

Which playwright, known for 'Our Town', wrote the novel 'The Woman of Andros' inspired by an ancient Roman comedy?

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thornton wilder

What does John Donne's 'Song' instruct you to go and catch in its opening lines?

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Who wrote the 1926 novel 'The Sun Also Rises,' which is known as 'Fiesta' in England?

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ernest hemingway

Which author's British edition of 'The Martian Chronicles' was titled 'The Silver Locusts'?

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ray bradbury

What is the title of the Thoreau work that is sub-titled 'Life in the Woods'?

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What is the subject of Bobby Jones' 1960 autobiography titled 'This Is My Game'?

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What is the title of Alex Haley's bestseller that had the working title 'Before This Anger'?

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In which Chaucer collection does the Nun's Priest tell the story of the Cock & the Fox?

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canterbury tales

What are the opening words of the rhyme written by Jane Taylor about a scintillating heavenly body?

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twinkle, twinkle, little star

In which country is 'The Tale of Genji' by Murasaki Shikibu considered one of the greatest works of fiction?

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Who is the poet that wrote about 'Ships that pass in the night' in 'Tales of a Wayside Inn'?

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henry wadsworth longfellow

What is the 1977 Colleen McCullough novel that depicts the romantic saga of sheep-rearing Australians?

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thorn birds

Which author wrote the early story collections 'Flappers and Philosophers' and 'Tales of the Jazz Age'?

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f. scott fitzgerald

What is the only novel written by Boris Pasternak that was rejected by Soviet publishers for its critical approach to communism?

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doctor zhivago

What is the title of the '90s bestseller that includes the advice 'Don't call him and rarely return his calls' as one of its guidelines?

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Which author, known for 'Satanic Verses', released the children's book 'Haroun & the Sea of Stories' in 1990?

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salman rushdie

Which play by Tennessee Williams is based on his short story 'Portrait of a Girl in Glass'?

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glass menagerie

Which author of 'An American Tragedy' also wrote a lesser-known editorial titled 'Tragic America'?

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theodore dreiser

What is the title of Melville's last prose work, a novella about a young sailor on a warship that wasn't published until 1924?

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billy budd

Which author wrote the novel 'The Bell Jar,' featuring characters such as Doreen and a New York disk jockey named Lenny Shepherd?

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sylvia plath

In the second part of which novel, titled 'Good Wives', does Aunt March die and leave her home, Plumfield, to Jo?

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little women

Which author, known for writing 'American Psycho,' explores the world of supermodels in his novel 'Glamorama'?

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bret easton ellis

Who is the author of 'Under the Greenwood Tree', the first of his novels set in what he would later call Wessex?

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thomas hardy

Which author wrote the novel 'The Mayor of Casterbridge,' subtitled 'A Story of a Man with Character'?

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thomas hardy

Which satirist wrote the 1734 work 'Lettres Anglaises' that praises England and critiques France?

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Which Canadian author wrote the feminist novels 'Bodily Harm' and 'The Handmaid's Tale'?

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margaret atwood

Who is the author of the novel where Joseph K. is arrested at the beginning of 'The Trial'?

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franz kafka

Who is the author whose stories and short novels were compiled in the collection 'The Big Knockover,' edited by Lillian Hellman?

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dashiell hammett

Which marine biologist wrote the essay 'Undersea' in 1937, which later expanded into her first book, 'Under the Sea-Wind'?

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rachel carson

Who is the African-American poet who wrote the 1970 autobiography 'I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings'?

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maya angelou

Who is the author of the autobiography 'Little Wilson and Big God,' which also wrote 'A Clockwork Orange'?

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anthony burgess

Which author began one of his trilogies with 'The 42nd Parallel' and another with 'Adventures of A Young Man'?

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john dos passos

Which actress wrote the autobiography 'On The Other Hand,' starting with an open letter to King Kong?

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fay wray

In which 1667 literary work does the setting include a place called Pandemonium?

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paradise lost

Which Sitwell sibling authored the book of poetry titled 'Clowns' Houses'?

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edith sitwell

Which poem did Longfellow describe as 'a tale of love in Acadie, home of the happy'?

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Who wrote the science fiction short story 'Nightfall' in 1941 at the age of 21?

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isaac asimov

What Kafka novel contains a portion published separately under the title 'Before the Law'?

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In which Somerset Maugham book does the unattractive and self-seeking Mildred Rogers enslave Philip Carey?

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of human bondage

What dystopian novel features the region of Oceania and was published in 1949?

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Which author wrote the stage adaptation of his own novel 'The Deer Park,' starring Rip Torn and Marsha Mason?

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norman mailer

Which American author wrote the 1913 novel 'O Pioneers!', which tells the story of Swedish settlers in Nebraska?

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willa cather

What is the title of Herman Melville's 1846 narrative about life with a tribe of cannibals, which was followed by the sequel 'Omoo'?

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When it was first published, what book by Mark Twain detailing his travels to Europe was predominantly sold by door-to-door salesmen?

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innocents abroad

Who is the author of both 'Song of the Broad-Axe' and the well-known 'Song of Myself'?

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walt whitman

What is the title of the diary written by an anonymous author that was inspired by the Jefferson Airplane song 'White Rabbit'?

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go ask alice

What is the title of the 4-volume magnum opus by Lawrence Durrell that he suggested should ideally be read simultaneously?

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alexandria quartet

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