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Famous Artists Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 16

Which famous artist created the 1653 painting 'Aristotle Contemplating The Bust Of Homer' for Don Antonio Ruffo?

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From which country is Jose Orozco, a renowned colleague of Diego Rivera and one of its greatest muralists?

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What was the first name of the artist Caravaggio, which he shared with Buonarroti?

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Which artist painted 'Burial of the Conde de Orgaz' that includes depictions of his son and members of Toledan society?

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el greco

Which artist, who resided in Arlington, Vermont, included himself in approximately 25 of his own paintings?

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norman rockwell

Who is the artist born in NYC in 1894 and painted 317 covers for The Saturday Evening Post over 47 years?

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norman rockwell

Which artist created the work 'Epic of the Mexican People' displayed in Mexico's Palacio Nacional, known for his contributions to social realism?

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diego rivera

Which telegraph inventor had a painting that was sold in 1982 for $3.25 million, setting a record for a U.S. work of art?

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samuel morse

Who is the artist famous for creating the artwork titled '100 Soup Cans'?

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andy warhol

Which artist had his mural 'Man At The Crossroads' destroyed at Rockefeller Center because it included a likeness of Lenin?

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diego rivera

Which Venetian master, born Tiziano Vecellio, is known for his remarkable contributions to art?

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Which artist, who faced disfavor among Mexican leftists, painted murals in the United States, including one at the Detroit Institute of Arts?

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diego rivera

Who is the artist whose self-portrait sold for $47.85 million on May 9, 1989?

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pablo picasso

Which Spanish artist received help in securing commissions from his brother-in-law, the court painter Francisco Bayeu, in the 1770s?

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francisco goya

Who is the founder of Interview magazine and a key figure in the pop art movement?

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andy warhol

Which Maine-based artist is known for the watercolor work 'Inside the Bar, Tynemouth'?

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winslow homer

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