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Famous Artists Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 65

Who began his blue period shortly after arriving in Paris in 1900?

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pablo picasso

Which 20th-century artist was able to charge over $1,000 a painting after the success of his work 'American Gothic'?

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grant wood

Which artist started his work in the Sistine Chapel with the Noah scenes over the entrance door?

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What is the last name of the Mexican muralist Diego, who may or may not be related to Geraldo?

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Which artist, born Anna Mary Robertson and passing away in 1961 at the age of 101, is known by a familial nickname?

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grandma moses

Canaletto was famous for creating detailed cityscapes of what canal city, where he was also born?

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To which Venezuelan capital did Camille Pissarro escape to continue his painting career?

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Which artist, who survived a shooting in 1968, later expressed a wish that he had died to get the whole thing over with?

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andy warhol

Who is the Spanish cubist known for saying, 'I am only a public entertainer who has understood his time'?

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pablo picasso

Which artist created his first bronze sculpture titled 'Bronco Buster' in 1895?

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frederic remington

Which artist among Miro, Marisol, or Morisot is not female?

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joan miró

Which artist created 'Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)' in 1950 by pouring and splashing paint on the canvas?

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What flower did Van Gogh refer to as 'somewhat my own' in his writings?

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What pop artist had their artwork 'Shot Red Marilyn' sell for $4.07 million at a 1989 auction?

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andy warhol

Which artist claimed to have eaten the same soup for lunch for years and might be known for painting soup cans?

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andy warhol

Who was known on stage as Ziggy Stardust and played an alien in the film 'The Man Who Fell to Earth'?

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david bowie

Which Kappa Delta artist chose to live in New Mexico starting in 1949 due to her appreciation for the earth colors, particularly ochres and reds?

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georgia o'keeffe

Which famous artist died in poverty in Amsterdam on October 4, 1669?

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Which artist created photo silkscreens featuring celebrities such as Liz, Jackie, Elvis, and Marilyn?

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andy warhol

Who is the Spanish artist known for creating a Cubist guitar sculpture out of sheet metal and wire, which is displayed in the Museum of Modern Art?

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pablo picasso

Which artist claimed to have eaten the same soup for lunch every day for 20 years, inspiring him to paint soup cans?

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andy warhol

Who was the artist born in Wisconsin in November 1887, renowned for her depictions of the Southwest?

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georgia o'keeffe

Which new-age artist of the '60s, known for his psychedelic designs on posters, decals, and ties, fits this description?

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peter max

Which famous artist created the 1653 painting 'Aristotle Contemplating The Bust Of Homer' for Don Antonio Ruffo?

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From which country is Jose Orozco, a renowned colleague of Diego Rivera and one of its greatest muralists?

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What was the first name of the artist Caravaggio, which he shared with Buonarroti?

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Which artist painted 'Burial of the Conde de Orgaz' that includes depictions of his son and members of Toledan society?

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el greco

Which artist, who resided in Arlington, Vermont, included himself in approximately 25 of his own paintings?

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norman rockwell

Who is the artist born in NYC in 1894 and painted 317 covers for The Saturday Evening Post over 47 years?

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norman rockwell

Which artist created the work 'Epic of the Mexican People' displayed in Mexico's Palacio Nacional, known for his contributions to social realism?

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diego rivera

Which telegraph inventor had a painting that was sold in 1982 for $3.25 million, setting a record for a U.S. work of art?

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samuel morse

Who is the artist famous for creating the artwork titled '100 Soup Cans'?

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andy warhol

Which artist had his mural 'Man At The Crossroads' destroyed at Rockefeller Center because it included a likeness of Lenin?

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diego rivera

Which Venetian master, born Tiziano Vecellio, is known for his remarkable contributions to art?

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Which artist, who faced disfavor among Mexican leftists, painted murals in the United States, including one at the Detroit Institute of Arts?

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diego rivera

Who is the artist whose self-portrait sold for $47.85 million on May 9, 1989?

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pablo picasso

Which Spanish artist received help in securing commissions from his brother-in-law, the court painter Francisco Bayeu, in the 1770s?

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francisco goya

Who is the founder of Interview magazine and a key figure in the pop art movement?

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andy warhol

Which Maine-based artist is known for the watercolor work 'Inside the Bar, Tynemouth'?

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winslow homer

Which muralist was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, in a place that is now a museum dedicated to him?

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diego rivera

In which field did Berenice Abbott gain recognition, having begun her career as an assistant to Man Ray?

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Who is the artist that painted 'The Transfiguration' and directed the construction of St. Peter's Church in Rome for six years?

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Which famous artist painted the water lilies in his garden at Giverny, France?

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claude monet

In what profession did Mary Cassatt make a significant 'impression,' as commemorated by a 1988 U.S. postage stamp?

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Who is the artist known for modeling for her husband Alfred Stieglitz's photos and selling her famous paintings?

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georgia o'keeffe

Which English painter included a bust of Michelangelo in his 1780 self-portrait?

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joshua reynolds

Who was the husband of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, known for creating some 200 paintings, many of which are self-portraits?

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diego rivera

Which artist, known for experiencing a nervous breakdown in 1908, later painted beautiful murals for the University of Oslo?

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edvard munch

Which U.S. pop artist's silkscreens are displayed in a museum in Slovakia, near his parents' birthplace?

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andy warhol

Who was the Italian artist, known for his portraits with long, oval faces, who died in Paris in 1920 at the age of 36?

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amedeo modigliani

Which city, known for its canals, is most famously depicted in the paintings of Canaletto?

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Who completed a 24-foot-wide painting called 'Sky Above Clouds IV' in 1965?

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georgia o'keeffe

Which artist painted 'Fog Warning' and other seascapes after relocating to a remote area on the Maine coast?

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winslow homer

Who is the artist behind the famous painting series 'Water Lilies'?

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claude monet

Which notable American artist created the 'Pelvis Series' paintings in the 1940s, featuring blue sky seen through bovine bones?

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georgia o'keeffe

What artist, known for 'American Gothic' and hailing from Iowa, has an annual art festival in Iowa named after him?

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grant wood

Which American painter, who lived in France and was invited by Edgar Degas to exhibit her works with the impressionists, is known for her focus on the lives of women and children?

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mary cassatt

Which artist created the water lily pond at his home in Giverny that inspired his famous paintings?

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claude monet

In a 1988 film, Isabelle Adjani portrayed which sculptress whose lover was played by Gerard Depardieu?

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camille claudel

Who was the artist that painted a monumental mural depicting the history of Mexico and passed away in 1957?

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diego rivera

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