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World Literature Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 15

Which character is referred to as 'The Knight of the Sad Countenance' by Sancho Panza?

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don quixote

In the epic poem 'Beowulf', which monster is known for frequently devouring the sleeping warriors of Hrothgar?

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Who is the author that used Marlow as a character or narrator in 'Youth', 'Lord Jim', and 'Heart of Darkness'?

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joseph conrad

Which character from world literature promised Sancho Panza that he would make him the governor of an island if he became his squire?

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don quixote

What is the title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 1967 novel after 'One Hundred Years of'?

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Which author, known for writing in Yiddish, set many of his novels like 'The Family Moskat' in Poland?

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isaac bashevis singer

Who was the king of Crete whose daughter Phaedra is featured in Racine's tragedy?

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Which erotic how-to manual, written by the Indian sage Vatsyayana, has a Sanskrit name that translates to 'Love Science'?

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kama sutra

Which author, known for her mysteries, was born in New Zealand and has a first name that is the Maori word for a flowering tree?

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ngaio marsh

Who is the author of 'Zadig', a philosophical novel about a Babylonian king, and 'Candide'?

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What world-famous Welsh novel did the book 'Green, Green My Valley Now' follow as a third sequel?

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how green was my valley

What is the rocky homeland of Odysseus where 14 of the books in the 'Odyssey' are set?

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What is the English title of the Gunter Grass novel originally published in German as 'Die Blechtrommel'?

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tin drum

What is the title of the first novel in the 'Danzig Trilogy' by Gunter Grass?

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tin drum

Who is the German author of the longest work 'Joseph & His Brothers', a series of novels based on a Bible story?

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thomas mann

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