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Notable Scientists Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 13

Who was the professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts that developed a bacteria-killing process for drinks like milk?

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louis pasteur

Who is referred to as 'The Father of Relativity'?

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albert einstein

Which polio vaccine pioneer founded his Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, in 1960?

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jonas salk

Who was the host of 'Cosmos' and played a role in the Mariner and Viking space expeditions before passing away in 1996?

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carl sagan

Which botanist donated his life savings to a research foundation at Tuskegee that bears his name?

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george washington carver

Who was suggested by Louis S.B. Leakey in 1957 to begin studying the chimpanzees of Tanzania?

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jane goodall

Who is the Vitamin C expert known for the influential book 'The Nature of the Chemical Bond'?

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linus pauling

What is the first name of the renowned primatologist who can also be called Baroness von Lawick-Goodall?

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jane goodall

In 1929, who presented a paper titled 'Cultures of a Penicillium' to the Medical Research Club?

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alexander fleming

In which scientific field did Caroline Herschel, sister of William Herschel, become the first important woman?

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Which scientist entered the University of Glasgow at age 10 in 1834 and is associated with absolute zero?

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Who is the Russian physicist known for his work in thermonuclear physics and won the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize?

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andrei sakharov

Who was awarded the Fermi Award for achievement in Atomic Energy in 1962 and is known as the 'Father of the Hydrogen Bomb'?

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edward teller

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