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Marine Biology Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 24

What substance is secreted by polyps to form coral's external skeleton?

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What creature, known scientifically as Sepia officinalis, secretes sepia?

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What substance composes the skeleton of a ray instead of bone?

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In which sea in the north Atlantic was it discovered around 1905 that the American eel spawns?

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sargasso sea

A sea wasp is not an insect but what type of stinging ocean creature?

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What 5-armed creatures do scallops swim away from when they sense them approaching?

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From which species of fish does the world's best caviar, known as beluga, come?

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What is the name of the flatfish that typically has both eyes on the right side of its head and whose name comes from the word 'holy'?

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Which Arctic whale is believed by some scientists to use its spiral tusk to attract mates?

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Which marine animal, typically having five arms and no head, feeds on oysters?

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What marine creature has the zoological name Hippocampus?

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What type of fish can drown if it is held underwater due to its ability to breathe outside of water?

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Which relative of the pipefish has males with a pouch for incubating the female's eggs?

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What Atlantic food fish has the Canadian government blamed partly on the harp seal for its decline?

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What sea creature, known for its leatherback species, can measure up to about 7 feet from beak to tail?

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Which crustacean gets its name from a Middle English word meaning 'shriveled' and is known for swimming backwards?

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What is the term for pelagic organisms that drift, as opposed to those that are free swimming?

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What type of fish has the bluefin as its largest species and the skipjack as its smallest species?

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To which major food fish family do pollock and haddock belong?

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Which tiny crustaceans, whose name comes from the Norwegian word for a fish's young, are eaten in large quantities by blue whales?

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What marine animals are known to typically have 5 arms but can sometimes have up to 40 arms?

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What is the name of the horny substance that most large whales use to filter food from the sea?

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What is the name of the small crustacean that whales feed on, derived from the Norwegian term for 'small fry'?

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If Sizzler had an all-you-can-eat special on a type of crustacean that baleen whales primarily feed on, what would it be?

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