Literary Authors Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 15
Which author wrote 'Billy Budd' while residing at 104 East 26th Street in Manhattan?
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herman melville
Which author originally spelled his name without an 'E' at the end and wrote 'Omoo'?
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herman melville
Who authored both the Brer Rabbit stories and an autobiography titled 'On the Plantation'?
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joel chandler harris
Who is the author of 'A Clockwork Orange,' which features Alex as a vicious teen narrator?
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anthony burgess
Who is the author of the novel 'August 1914,' which deals with the early days of World War I and also wrote 'The Gulag Archipelago'?
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aleksandr solzhenitsyn
Which author wrote the novel 'Sartoris', his third published work and the first set in Yoknapatawpha County?
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william faulkner
Who is the author whose first novel was 'The Man Within' and later wrote 'The Third Man'?
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graham greene
Who is the author of 'Eyeless in Gaza', a book that features a character named Beavis?
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aldous huxley
Who is the author known for both 'Death in Venice' and 'Dr. Faustus'?
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thomas mann
Who is the author of 'The Enormous Room' and the poem 'anyone lived in a pretty how town'?
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e. e. cummings
Which novelist wrote 'The Mill on the Floss', featuring Dorlcote Mill, which resembles Arbury Estate from her childhood?
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george eliot
Who is the author of 'Riders of the Purple Sage' with a four-letter first name?
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zane grey
Who wrote 'The Europeans'?
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henry james
Who is the author of the first novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?
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harper lee
Who wrote the 'Barrack-Room Ballads,' which include 'Mandalay' and 'Gunga Din'?
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rudyard kipling
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