Inventors Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 37
Who devised a telegraph code by analyzing the frequency of each letter in a printer's type box?
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samuel morse
Which famous inventor, known for holding 1,093 patents, is depicted on the medallion of the National Inventors Hall of Fame?
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thomas edison
Who is the good guy from New Haven who discovered vulcanization?
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charles goodyear
Who entered the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1977 along with Edwin Land and developed a popular Kodak camera?
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george eastman
Which inventor sketched a model of his telegraph during an ocean voyage in 1832?
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samuel morse
Who was the telephone company's namesake that was founded in 1877, a year after his invention?
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alexander graham bell
Who invented both the mimeograph machine and wax paper, aside from his more famous inventions?
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thomas edison
Which New Jersey inventor's lab did Reginald Fessenden, a pioneer in radio with 500 patents, once work in?
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thomas edison
Who was the telegraph inventor who made the first Daguerrotype in America in the 1830s?
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samuel morse
Who patented the kinetoscope, a motion-picture projector, in 1891?
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thomas edison
Who is the subject of the biography titled 'Out of Silence into Sound' known for inventing the telephone?
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alexander graham bell
Who is known as 'The Father of the Telegraph'?
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samuel morse
Who is the inventor of vulcanization who was born in 1800?
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charles goodyear
Which inventor is known for creating an audiometer and a device to transmit speech via light waves?
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alexander graham bell
Which famous inventor is said to have offered George Washington Carver over $100,000 a year to work with him, but was declined?
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thomas edison
Which device do Russians attribute to Alexander Popov instead of Marconi?
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Who, in addition to inventing the revolver, also invented an electrically controlled naval mine?
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samuel colt
Who invented condensed milk, first benefiting Civil War soldiers?
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gail borden
Who invented the noise reduction system for audio tapes that bears his name?
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ray dolby
Who demonstrated his battery to Napoleon in Paris in 1801 and was subsequently made a count?
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alessandro volta
Whose Fort Myers, Florida home features handmade light bulbs created in 1925?
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thomas edison
Who founded Geodesics, Inc. in 1949 to manufacture his innovative domes?
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buckminster fuller
In which country was Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847, the same year Edison was born in the U.S.?
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For which creative field was Harold Edgerton's development of a stroboscope recognized when he was elected to the Inventors Hall of Fame in 1986?
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Who invented vulcanized rubber and was hoped not to have 'blimped' up while celebrating?
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charles goodyear
Who was producing 10,000 steel plows per year by 1857?
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john deere
Who was the inventor that served as a professor of vocal physiology at Boston University?
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alexander graham bell
Which Scotsman is known for inventing various dyeing techniques and waterproof fabrics?
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What did Bette Nesmith invent that is commonly used by typists for correcting errors?
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liquid paper
Who is the scientist that in 1899 claimed his 20-million volt 'coil' passed current around the world sufficient to light 200 lamps?
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nikola tesla
Who was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1988 for inventing a safety brake for hoisting apparatus?
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elisha otis
Who spent almost a year redesigning dynamos for Edison and is known for inventing the coil?
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nikola tesla
Who invented the telephone and was born in Edinburgh in 1847 before moving to Boston in 1871?
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alexander graham bell
Who introduced a carbon transmitter for Bell's telephone in 1876?
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thomas edison
Which Scotsman is known for his idea of using the expansion of steam to complete a piston stroke?
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james watt
Which inventor, known for developing the coil, moved to America and briefly worked with Thomas Edison?
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nikola tesla
Who was the Vermont blacksmith who invented the steel plow?
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john deere
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