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History of Science Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 13

Which telephone inventor founded the magazine Science in 1883?

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alexander graham bell

Which scientist originally wrote his famous equation as L=mc(squared) before replacing the L with an E?

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albert einstein

In 1906, William Bateson coined the term 'genetics' based on the work of which monk?

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gregor mendel

Who was the plant breeder that moved to California in 1875 using profits earned from his work on a potato?

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luther burbank

Who was the Swedish inventor that founded the Nitroglycerin Corporation in 1864?

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alfred nobel

What instrument did Hans Lippershey invent in 1608 that he referred to as a 'looker'?

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In Charles Lyell's 19th-century work 'Principles of' which science, he argued that the processes that have changed the Earth continue to operate today?

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Who is known as the 'Father of Modern Anatomy' and was a 16th-century professor at the University of Padua?

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andreas vesalius

Who discovered that different gases at equal volumes, temperatures, and pressures have an equal number of molecules?

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amedeo avogadro

Who was the naturalist that helped found the Swedish Academy of Science around 1740?

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carl linnaeus

Which scientist called oxygen 'dephlogisticated air' when he discovered it?

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joseph priestley

Who formulated the first law of planetary motion stating that planets' orbits are ellipses with the sun at one focus?

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johannes kepler

Which 18th century French chemist named the element oxygen after its discovery by Joseph Priestley?

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antoine lavoisier

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