Historical Quotes Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 50
Which Civil War general said that the name 'Stonewall' should be associated with the men of the brigade instead of himself?
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stonewall jackson
Who famously stated 'the only thing we have to fear is fear itself' during his inaugural address in 1933?
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franklin d. roosevelt
On January 14, 1963, which U.S. President said, 'The mere absence of war is not peace'?
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john f. kennedy
Who is the founder of Communism who remarked, 'last words are for fools who haven't said enough'?
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karl marx
What did Henry IV wish every peasant could have in their pot every Sunday?
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What did Georges Clemenceau describe as 'much too important a matter to be left to the generals'?
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Which country did Stevie Wonder refer to as 'the land with tears in her eyes' in reference to apartheid?
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south africa
Which city did Mark Twain refer to as 'That grand old benevolent national asylum for the helpless'?
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washington, d.c.
In early 1865, which U.S. President said, 'I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice'?
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abraham lincoln
On April 4, 1940, which dictator did Neville Chamberlain say had 'missed the bus'?
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adolf hitler
Which country was King Louis XII referring to when he said, 'Let George do it', in reference to Georges d'Amboise?
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In a 1910 toast by J.C. Bossidy, which city was referred to as 'the home of the bean and the cod'?
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Which Ugandan dictator was quoted in a 1973 Newsweek article as saying, 'I am the hero of Africa'?
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idi amin
What city did David Ben-Gurion refer to when he said, 'Without it, we are a body without a soul'?
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What phrase did Winston Churchill use on March 5, 1946 to describe the division that had descended across the continent?
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iron curtain
According to 'The Cynics' Cyclopedia,' what was Patrick Henry's second choice if liberty was not an option?
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What did Abraham Lincoln claim is stronger than the ballot?
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Which signer of the Declaration of Independence is quoted as saying, 'There! John Bull can read my name without spectacles'?
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john hancock
Who, in a 1987 speech, mentioned that the idea of perestroika combines continuity and innovation?
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mikhail gorbachev
What did Howell Forgy first say to 'Praise the Lord and pass' at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?
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Who was the first person to refer to 'The Great Silent Majority' in a 1969 speech?
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richard nixon
What substance did England's James I describe as 'hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs'?
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Who told Vanity Fair in 1991, 'I didn't... vote against my father but I couldn't vote for him'?
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patti davis
What did Abraham Lincoln say is weaker than the ballot?
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Who was Edwin Stanton referring to when he said, 'Now he belongs to the ages'?
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abraham lincoln
What did Thomas Paine describe as 'Even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one'?
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Who quipped in a June 1897 issue of the New York Journal, 'The report of my death was an exaggeration'?
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mark twain
Which huge world power did Abraham Lincoln describe as a 'country where they make no pretense of loving liberty'?
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Who is attributed with the quote, 'You furnish the pictures & I'll furnish the war', as mentioned in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations?
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william randolph hearst
Which 19th century actor said, 'There's but one Hamlet to my mind: that's my brother Edwin'?
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john wilkes booth
In 1976, which vice president famously identified three periods in life as youth, middle age, and how well you look?
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nelson rockefeller
In a controversial statement, Gen. Curtis LeMay threatened that the North Vietnamese would be bombed back to what period?
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stone age
Which country did Samuel Adams refer to as 'a nation of shopkeepers'?
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Which famous aviator in 1928 said, 'The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune'?
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amelia earhart
Who was the world leader who called pro-nuclear Margaret 'The devil in the disguise of a woman' in 1961?
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nikita khrushchev
Who said in 1952, 'Pat doesn't have a mink coat. But she does have a respectable Republican cloth coat'?
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richard nixon
What issue did William Lloyd Garrison state would 'not be overthrown without...a most tremendous excitement'?
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Who claimed in 1643 that 'A few honest men are better than numbers' and later became the lord protector?
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oliver cromwell
What action did Ronald Reagan say he forgot to do after being shot, quoting Jack Dempsey?
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Which patriotic song did U.S. Grant say he knew along with just one other tune?
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yankee doodle
Which opponent did LBJ refer to when he said, 'He wants to repeal the present and veto the future'?
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barry goldwater
What did William Randolph Hearst promise to furnish in a cable to Frederic Remington if Remington supplied the pictures in 1898?
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Who wrote in 1875, 'Jesus...was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe'?
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mary baker eddy
Who told the Rump Parliament in 1654, 'You shall now give place to better men'?
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oliver cromwell
Which U.S. President said, 'We must be the great arsenal of democracy'?
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franklin d. roosevelt
Which historical figure said on May 23, 1775, 'Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace'?
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patrick henry
What material did Augustus claim he transformed Rome into from its original state of brick?
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Which U.S. President was Edwin Stanton referring to when he said, 'Now he belongs to the ages'?
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abraham lincoln
Who told the Republican Convention in 1964, 'Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice'?
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barry goldwater
Which English philosopher wrote in 1690, 'Wherever law ends, tyranny begins'?
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john locke
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