Historical Libraries Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 9
Which ancient Egyptian city's library, founded in the 200s B.C., was known for having the world's largest collection of scrolls?
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In which 1600-year-old library can you find the Sistine Room housing rare books and manuscripts?
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vatican library
In which country was Marsh's Library, founded around 1702 by the Archbishop of Dublin, established?
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In which New England capital was the first major free public library in the U.S. opened in 1854?
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Which London museum's library received King George II's royal library in 1757?
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british museum
Which country's national library was founded by Philip V in 1711?
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Founded in the 15th century by Nicholas V, what is the name of this famous library?
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vatican library
Which state is home to the Wilmington Institute Free Library, its oldest library founded in 1788?
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Which Oxford library was stripped of its books around 1550 but was reopened approximately 50 years later?
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bodleian library
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