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Historical Artifacts Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 12

What is the name of the famous stone discovered in 1799 that allowed Young and Champollion to decipher hieroglyphics?

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rosetta stone

What is the name of the string of beads that may have been used in the West by the 9th century to keep count of prayers?

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In which museum can you find the Rosetta Stone?

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british museum

Benvenuto Cellini's most famous surviving work is a gold cellar crafted for which seasoning?

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In which metal does Boston's Museum of Fine Arts have an impressive collection of Paul Revere's work?

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What object, presented by Apollo 11 astronauts, is included as a piece in a stained-glass window at Washington Cathedral?

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In archaeology, a shard is typically a broken piece of what item?

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What patriotic item, temporarily hidden in Zion's Church in Allentown in 1777, has a replica housed there?

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liberty bell

What artifact, inscribed in 196 B.C., features texts in Hieroglyphs, Demotic Egyptian, and Greek?

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rosetta stone

What type of letters, associated with Vikings, were on a stone found in 1898 near Kensington, Minnesota, that is now considered a fake?

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What celebrated work, stitched in the 11th century, is displayed in the Centre Guillaume-le-Conquerant in Normandy, France?

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bayeux tapestry

What is the name of the throne that was seized from India, became a symbol of power in Persia, and was later lost to the Kurds?

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peacock throne

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