Famous Poets Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 35
Which poet wrote the lines, 'Hear the loud alarum bells -- brazen bells! What a tale of terror, now their turbulency tells!'?
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edgar allan poe
At which university did William Wordsworth attend St. John's College despite being only a mediocre student?
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Which poet published their last volume of poetry, 'The Raven and other Poems', in 1845?
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edgar allan poe
Which country was home to the famous poet Li Po, who lived over 1,000 years ago?
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Who wrote the poem that begins with 'Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere'?
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henry wadsworth longfellow
Which Chilean poet's mail was delivered by Massimo Troisi in the film 'The Postman'?
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pablo neruda
Who is the poet known for writing 'Highland Mary', 'The Banks O' Down', and 'A Man's A Man For A' That'?
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robert burns
Which famous sonneteer was honored by John Milton in a sonnet written in 1630?
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william shakespeare
Who was awarded the first of his four Pulitzer Prizes for the poem 'New Hampshire'?
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robert frost
Which poet wrote about hearing a fly buzz when she died and feeling a funeral in her brain?
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emily dickinson
Which poet, who loved music, once said 'But for opera, I could never have written Leaves of Grass'?
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walt whitman
Who is the poet that spent his last days writing poems before his death on April 5, 1997, and is known for writing 'Howl'?
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allen ginsberg
Which Lake poet wrote the haunting poem 'The Haunted Tree'?
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william wordsworth
Who is the 20th-century poet known for both his writing and his readings, particularly for the poem 'Do not go gentle into that good night'?
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dylan thomas
Which poet referred to a valley outside Balaklava as 'The Valley of Death'?
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alfred, lord tennyson
Who sold his Derry, New Hampshire farm in 1912 and moved to England to write poetry?
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robert frost
Who wrote the words, 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever,' in the poem 'Endymion'?
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john keats
Which poet was inspired by the Finnish epic 'Kalevala' to create the meter for his poem 'The Song of Hiawatha'?
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henry wadsworth longfellow
Who is the poet that wrote in 'Ode to a Nightingale', 'Fled is that music: do I wake or sleep?'
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john keats
Which poet moved to Camden in 1873 to be near his mother and his brother George?
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walt whitman
What poet, known for his middle name Langston, had James as his first name?
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langston hughes
Which reclusive female poet is speculated to have been in love with editor Samuel Bowles of the Springfield Republican?
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emily dickinson
Who is the native of Lesbos renowned for her lyric poetry directed towards the girls she led?
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Which poet, famous for writing 'Don Juan,' adopted the third given name Noel to receive an inheritance from his mother-in-law?
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lord byron
Which New England poet wrote the blank verse play 'A Masque of Reason' and the poem 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'?
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robert frost
In which city did Emily Dickinson spend her life in her father's house, many of the years in self-imposed seclusion?
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amherst, massachusetts
Which poet was interrupted by a visitor while writing 'Kubla Khan' and never finished it?
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samuel taylor coleridge
Which British poet eloped with Mary Godwin on July 28, 1814?
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percy bysshe shelley
Who is the poet that wrote, 'The woods are lovely, dark & deep, but I have promises to keep...?'
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robert frost
Which poet had a father who served as the treasurer of Amherst College and later became a U.S. Congressman?
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emily dickinson
Which poet wrote the line 'They also serve who only stand and wait' in the poem 'On His Blindness'?
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john milton
Which poet, born in Highgate in 1812, was famously nicknamed 'Poet Laureate of the Limerick'?
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edward lear
Which poet wrote 'To His Coy Mistress' and includes the line, 'Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady, were no crime'?
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andrew marvell
Who is the poet that wrote, 'And I will luve thee still, my dear, till a' the seas gang dry'?
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robert burns
Which poet wrote the line 'At my back I always hear time's winged chariot hurrying near' in a marvelous poem?
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andrew marvell
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