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Comic Strips Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 16

Which Peanuts character is known for lying on top of his doghouse, a feat Spot has never managed?

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What comic strip by Garry Trudeau was originally titled 'Bull Tales' when it was first published in 1968?

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garry trudeau

In which comic strip do the characters Ratbert, Catbert, and Dogbert appear?

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Which comic strip character, admired by Li'l Abner's Fearless Fosdick, shares similarities with another famous detective named Dick?

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dick tracy

What is the name of the Mort Walker military comic strip that is set in Camp Swampy?

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beetle bailey

In which comic strip does a dinosaur named Dinny appear?

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alley oop

What is the title of the Jeff MacNelly comic strip that does not refer to footwear?

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In the comic strip 'Crock', Quench is one of what type of animal?

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What is the title of the comic strip created by Bill Amend that features the Fox family?

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What comic strip did Milton Caniff begin in 1946 after leaving 'Terry & the Pirates'?

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steve canyon

What does Charlie Brown in PEANUTS have a continuing battle with, which is known for eating his kite?

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What is the name of the humorous, unmarried woman who works for a marketing firm and has a dog named Electra in a comic strip?

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Which comic strip, drawn by Berke Breathed, won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning?

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bloom county

In which Aaron McGruder strip do urban kids Huey and Riley Freeman experience life in the suburbs?

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What is the last name of the bickering couple Leroy & Loretta, created by Bill Hoest in a one-panel comic?

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