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Civil War History Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 14

Which Civil War general became a national hero by driving the Confederates off Missionary Ridge near Chattanooga in November 1863?

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ulysses s. grant

Who was the commanding general affectionately nicknamed 'Uncle Robert' by his soldiers during the Civil War?

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robert e. lee

After whose death did Robert E. Lee remark, 'I have lost my right arm'?

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stonewall jackson

On April 14, 1865, General Robert Anderson raised the same flag he had four years earlier when surrendering which fort?

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fort sumter

Who is the Confederate general after whom the famous charge on the third day at Gettysburg is named, despite not commanding it?

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george pickett

What is the name of the executive order that went into effect on January 1, 1863, but did not immediately free any slaves?

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emancipation proclamation

What is the name of the Georgia capital that surrendered to Union troops on September 2, 1864, serving as an important Confederate supply depot?

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To which fort did Major Anderson move his troops from Fort Moultrie on Christmas night, 1860?

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fort sumter

In November 1864, what civic duty were furloughed soldiers allowed to return home to perform?

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After devastating Georgia, which state did Sherman's troops invade next during the Civil War?

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south carolina

Which Confederate general graduated at the bottom of his West Point class in 1846 and later became famous for a 'charge' during the Civil War?

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george pickett

Which Union general was given the nickname 'Fighting Joe' by Northern newspapers during the Civil War?

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joseph hooker

Who was the Confederate general born in Clarksburg, now West Virginia, who died due to friendly fire?

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stonewall jackson

Which was the first state to secede from the Union during the Civil War, with a population that was 57% black?

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south carolina

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