Literature Trivia Questions
Total Questions: 2000
Who is the author of the famous 1868 story 'The Luck of Roaring Camp' and edited the Overland Monthly?
bret harte
In which state are most of William Faulkner's novels set, in an imaginary county?
In which city does Vicki Baum's novel 'Grand Hotel' take place?
Who is the author of the novel in which Ricky Roma is the top real estate salesman?
david mamet
What is the name of the character who had 'Great Expectations' and was jilted on her wedding day?
miss havisham
Who wrote the tragic 1841 ballad 'The Wreck of the Hesperus', which was inspired by an actual shipwreck?
henry wadsworth longfellow
Who is the author of the book with the subtitle 'A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented' and the title 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'?
thomas hardy
Which playwright wrote 'Lysistrata', where the women of Athens refuse to sleep with their men until peace is declared?
Who is the poet for whom Izaak Walton wrote a moving but inaccurate biography, also known for the work 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'?
john donne
Which author is Sir John Tenniel best known for illustrating books for, despite drawing cartoons for 'Punch'?
lewis carroll
In which country are most of Nadine Gordimer's novels, including 'July's People', set?
south africa
Which Pulitzer Prize-winning author set his novel 'A Death in the Family' in his hometown of Knoxville?
james agee
What 1959 play did William Gibson write that has a 1982 sequel titled 'Monday After the Miracle'?
miracle worker
Who is the playwright of 'Pygmalion'?
george bernard shaw
Which country is August Strindberg, known for 'The Ghost Sonata,' considered the greatest dramatist of?
In which novel do characters such as Hugh Conway, a British consul, Chang, a Chinese monk, and Father Perrault, the high lama, appear?
lost horizon
Which female poet from Maine won a 1923 Pulitzer for several works, including 8 sonnets in 'American Poetry'?
edna st. vincent millay
In 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes', who is the Scotland Yard inspector that frequently seeks Holmes' assistance when events take a bad turn?
inspector lestrade
Which author wrote 'Candide,' described by Wordsworth as a 'dull product of a scoffer's pen'?
Who wrote the novel 'Appointment in Samarra'?
john o'hara
Which author, even after her divorce and remarriage, continued to use the name of her ex-husband Edwin P. Parker II?
dorothy parker
Which short story by Kafka included instructions to its illustrator not to depict the insect character?
Which author wrote 'The Wind in the Willows' for his son Alistair, who was also called Mouse and died at age 20?
kenneth grahame
Which author went into exile after her uncle, the president of Chile, died in a 1973 coup?
isabel allende
Who is the author of 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,' a largely autobiographical work?
james joyce
Who is the author of the short story 'Rappaccini's Daughter,' included in the collection 'Mosses From An Old Manse'?
nathaniel hawthorne
Which author includes the lesson 'Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody' in his teachings from kindergarten?
robert fulghum
Which epic novel, published in 1957, tells the story of a physician's love for the wife of a Russian revolutionary?
doctor zhivago
Which author wrote the book 'Heart of Darkness,' which served as the basis for the film 'Apocalypse Now'?
joseph conrad
Which companion of Gertrude Stein authored the memoir 'What is Remembered' published in 1963?
alice b. toklas
Which contemporary author is known for several suspense novels, including 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart,' that derive their titles from old songs?
mary higgins clark
Which poet's unfinished dramatic work 'The Deformed Transformed' was left incomplete upon his death as a hero in Greece in 1824?
lord byron
Who is the subject of 'The Far Side of Paradise'?
f. scott fitzgerald
Which king in a Shakespeare play has a fool who represents truth and speaks in rhymes and songs?
king lear
Who is the Southern author known for his third novel 'Sartoris', which was originally titled 'Flags in the Dust'?
william faulkner
Which author wrote the spy novels 'Eye of the Needle' and 'The Key to Rebecca'?
ken follett
Which famous author's father received an obituary written by Winston Churchill after dying in WWI?
ian fleming
Which author originally wrote the novel 'The Third Man' as a screenplay?
graham greene
In the poem 'Harlem', which poet asked, 'What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?'
langston hughes
Which Richard Adams work features characters named Hazel, Fiver, and Blackberry?
watership down
Which author wrote the short story 'The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,' which is set on an African safari?
ernest hemingway
Who is the author of 'The Day Christ Died', 'The Day Lincoln Was Shot', and 'The Day Kennedy Was Shot'?
jim bishop
Which author, famous for 'Requiem for a Nun,' passed away on July 6, 1962?
william faulkner
Which poet, known for his work on 'The Cantos,' used the pseudonym Alfred Venison?
ezra pound
Who was the elder daughter of the Grand Vizier tasked with executing the Sultan's wives in 'The Arabian Knights'?
Which language must you know to read the Mahabharata in its original form?
Who is the author of the book 'Cimarron'?
edna ferber
Which famous woman died just a few months after her only book, 'Black Beauty', was published?
anna sewell
Who is the Russian playwright who wrote short stories under the pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte?
anton chekhov
What is the title of the John Knowles novel set during WWII where Gene and Finny become friends at a prep school?
separate peace
Emily Dickinson described this as 'the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.'
What is the name of the Ibsen title character who declares, 'I'm not going to make any more noise' before committing suicide?
hedda gabler
Which author, as a child, said a 'long goodbye' to the U.S. and moved to England with his Irish mother?
raymond chandler
In which city does George Eliot's novel 'Romola', featuring characters Savonarola and Machiavelli, take place during the 1490s?
Which American author wrote the 1853 short story 'Bartleby the Scrivener,' subtitled 'A Story of Wall Street'?
herman melville
In which country does the majority of the events occur after Act II in Shakespeare's 'Henry V'?
Who was honored as 'Caledonia's Bard' by the Masonic Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1786?
robert burns
Who is the author of the book titled 'Looking Backward'?
edward bellamy
Who is always credited as the author of the Nancy Drew novels, regardless of who actually writes them?
carolyn keene
Which Shakespearean character exclaimed, 'My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late'?