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Historical Figures Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 1307

Which historical figure may have been poisoned by arsenic in his wallpaper while on St. Helena?

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Which future first lady served as a White House hostess for President Jefferson?

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dolley madison

Who became the Vice President of the United States on December 19, 1974, after a period from August 9, 1974, when the position was vacant?

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nelson rockefeller

Who was the director of the FBI that wrote "Masters of Deceit" and "A Study of Communism"?

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j. edgar hoover

What Chinese leader's teachings are primarily known through a book called the 'Analects'?

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Who is the subject of Ishbel Ross's biography titled 'Angel of the Battlefield'?

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clara barton

What name was Ras Tafari crowned under as the Ethiopian 'King of Kings' in 1930, a leader revered by Rastafarians?

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haile selassie

Who was crowned in 800 A.D., an event many consider the end of the Dark Ages?

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Count Bernadotte, a diplomat who was assassinated in 1948, was the nephew of King Gustav V of which country?

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Which Confederate commander, who is buried at the college he headed after the war, led the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War?

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robert e. lee

Whose words served as a powerful tool for patriotism during the American Revolution?

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thomas paine

Which U.S. President was known as 'Lyss' during his childhood?

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ulysses s. grant

Who was a fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, and co-founded Methodism with his brother Charles?

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john wesley

Which U.S. president participated in seances to contact his deceased son Willie?

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abraham lincoln

Which 1960s Yippie leader made his comedy debut at a New York club?

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abbie hoffman

Which woman founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950?

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mother teresa

Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury nicknamed 'The King of the Feds'?

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alexander hamilton

What service did 11-year-old Charlie Miller, the youngest rider in 1861, participate in, and later lived to be 105?

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pony express

Which grandson of Genghis Khan founded the Yuan Dynasty?

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kublai khan

Who met co-conspirator David Herold in Maryland on the night of April 14, 1865?

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john wilkes booth

Who coined the term 'utopia' in 1516 from the Greek words for 'not' and 'place'?

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thomas more

Which world leader, who became president, was imprisoned for 27 years in South Africa?

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nelson mandela

Which famous individual's residence at San Simeon featured a zoo, an airstrip, and a private theater?

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william randolph hearst

Which statesman, who established an Oxford scholarship, also had a country named after him for a time?

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cecil rhodes

Which famous diarist and her family moved from Germany to Amsterdam in 1933?

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anne frank

Who was born in 1731 and married a future U.S. President?

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martha washington

Which First Lady reportedly said in 1972 that being the First Lady is the hardest unpaid job in the world?

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pat nixon

Who is the hatchet-wielding saloon smasher who no one dared call 'Old Hatchet-Face' whether she was drunk or sober?

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carrie nation

In 1964, the world's youngest monarch King Constantine of which country was married in September?

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Which founder of the famous Literary Club, who was also painted by fellow founder Joshua Reynolds, could this be?

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samuel johnson

Who was the only incumbent Republican governor to be reelected in 1934 and ran for president two years later?

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alf landon

Who married Evita in 1945 and Isabel in 1961?

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juan perón

Which famous American aviator left for Europe on May 20, 1927, with 5 sandwiches and a quart of water?

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charles lindbergh

Which suffragist famously stated that women must be taught to protect themselves rather than depend on men for protection?

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susan b. anthony

Who was the heroine of the Crimean War and the founder of modern nursing?

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florence nightingale

Which lord protector, who studied at Sidney Sussex College, has his head buried there?

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oliver cromwell

Which leader of the Reformation authored the famous hymn 'A Mighty Fortress is Our God'?

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martin luther

In which sport did Abe Lincoln earn the respect of the Clary's Grove Boys while working in New Salem?

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Who was the wife of our 4th president, known for wearing a cologne that is still being marketed today?

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dolley madison

Which 14th century explorer is credited with bringing back a recipe for a type of ice cream from China?

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marco polo

Who was the Muslim warrior and Sultan of Egypt for whom the medieval Rabbi Moses Maimonides served as court doctor?

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Who was the last surviving signer of The Mayflower Compact and a friend of Myles Standish, but was not a Puritan?

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john alden

Which famous American, after losing reelection to Congress in 1835, told the public they were going to Texas?

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davy crockett

Who was the French educator that taught at the National Institute for Blind Children in Paris from 1826 until his death?

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louis braille

Who is the Scottish engineer known for inventing the flyball governor to control the speed of his steam engine?

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james watt

Who was the West German chancellor that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 for his efforts to ease East-West tensions?

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willy brandt

Who was the woman whose birth control books were banned in New York in the 1910s and whose husband was arrested for distributing one?

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margaret sanger

Which governor surrendered New Netherland to an English naval force without a shot being fired on September 7, 1664?

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peter stuyvesant

In which country was White House architect James Hoban born around 1762?

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Who did the New York World refer to on November 14, 1889, when calling her trip 'The Longest Journey Known to Mankind'?

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nellie bly

Who took over Alger Hiss' state department duties in 1947 and later became JFK's Secretary of State?

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dean rusk

Who was the New Deal Democrat that moved from the New York governor's mansion to the White House in 1932?

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franklin d. roosevelt

Which crusader ceased using her hatchet after being beaten up by a woman bar owner in Montana?

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carrie nation

Which future railroad magnate was nicknamed 'The Commodore' while working as a ferry operator?

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cornelius vanderbilt

For a year after her death in 1952, which Argentine personality had her picture on all newly issued stamps?

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eva perón

Who is the former surgeon general who interned at the University of Minnesota Hospital?

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joycelyn elders

Which reformer, despite suffering from gout, nailed his 95 Theses to a church door in Wittenberg?

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martin luther

Who returned to Amsterdam after WWII to collect the papers of his deceased daughter Anne?

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otto frank

Who is the woman whose name became synonymous with pantaloons despite her stopping wearing them in 1859?

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amelia bloomer

In January 1990, the son of which World War II German Field Marshal, who was nicknamed the 'Desert Fox', was made a Commander of the British Empire?

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erwin rommel

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