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Historical Events Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 637

Which country seized Veracruz in 1914?

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united states

Which political faction known as the 'majority' overthrew the provisional Russian government on November 7, 1917?

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Which U.S. president set forth his "Fourteen Points" in January 1918, outlining his vision for lasting peace?

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woodrow wilson

Which country recently re-broadcast a speech by Imre Nagy that was originally made on the day the Soviets invaded in 1956?

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Who was the Israeli foreign minister that exchanged posts with Prime Minister Shimon Peres on October 20, 1986?

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yitzhak shamir

In which country did the Jonestown massacre occur on November 18, 1978?

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Which city's 1955 bus boycott is highlighted in an exhibit at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis?

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montgomery, alabama

In which New York prison did a 1971 riot result in 43 deaths over a span of four days?

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In which city did the Easter Rising take place in April 1916?

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In which African country did the Mau Mau Rebellion against British rule begin in 1952?

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What volcano's eruption trapped looters that archaeologists discovered while excavating Pompeii?

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mount vesuvius

In which year did George V die, Jesse Owens win 4 gold medals, and the Spanish Civil War begin?

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Which city, the capital of the Boer Republic of South Africa, fell to the British on June 5, 1900?

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Whose beating by police in 1992 led to their acquittal and sparked the worst riots in L.A. since 1965?

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rodney king

In which city did Congress meet on January 18, 1777, when it ordered a copy of the Declaration of Independence for each state?

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In which year was Gary Gilmore executed, the television miniseries 'Roots' aired in the U.S., and Elvis Presley passed away?

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In which country did General Pinochet lift a state of siege in 1978 that had been instituted in 1973?

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Which country split into two separate states on January 1, 1993?

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Which South American country had Pedro II become emperor at the age of 5 on April 7, 1831?

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In what year did Teddy Roosevelt become President, Edward VII become King, and Nicholas II become the father of Anastasia?

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Which country declared its independence from the federation of Malaysia in 1965?

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In 1951, which country's Leopold III abdicated in favor of his son Prince Baudouin?

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Which country withdrew its forces from the Rhineland in June 1930, 5 years earlier than required?

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Which Soviet space dog did people in Tokyo report seeing fly over on November 5, 1957?

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What city fell in 1453, marking the end of 'The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire'?

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In 1000, Sweyn Forkbeard, King Olaf of Sweden, and two others defeated and killed King Olaf I of which country at Svold?

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In which state did the event occur in April 1889 when the Indian Territory was opened up and Sooners rushed in?

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Which Chief Justice's death in 1835 is linked to the cracking of the Liberty Bell according to tradition?

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john marshall

In 1958, which Russian made headlines on October 29th by declining a cash prize worth $41,420?

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boris pasternak

Which Communist movement, led by Pol Pot, took control of Cambodia in 1975?

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khmer rouge

In which modern-day country did followers of the Mahdi capture Khartoum in 1886?

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In which country did three children report seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary near F�tima in 1917?

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At which event in Washington did teenage motivator Ayinde Jean-Baptiste speak in October 1995?

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million man march

In which month did the Six-Day War in 1967 occur?

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In which holy city was Muhammad buried after he died in 632?

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What organization, founded on October 24, is celebrated by Presidential proclamation?

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united nations

What precious metal reached an all-time high price of $50.35 per ounce in January 1980?

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What territory did settlers begin rushing to claim at 12:00 noon on April 22, 1889?

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Which country did the president offer $20 billion in aid to on January 31, 1995?

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In what year did Napoleon die, which was 6 years after the Battle of Waterloo?

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In 1889, which South American country transitioned towards becoming a republic after Pedro II abdicated?

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In which country did Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty seek asylum in the U.S. embassy and stay for 15 years?

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Which republic, alongside the Netherlands, was established by the Peace of Westphalia and remained neutral during the war?

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In which country did King Michael abdicate in 1947 due to Communist pressure after a 7-year reign?

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Which nation was expelled from Calais in 1558, losing its last possession in France by the Duke of Guise?

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In which city did the 1919 massacre of Indian nationalists occur, an event depicted in the 1982 film 'Gandhi'?

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What is the name of the U.S. site where Begin and Sadat held a peace conference in September 1978?

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camp david

In which Southern city did President Reagan officially open the World's Fair on May 1, 1982?

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knoxville, tennessee

Which city had 7 councillors thrown from the windows of its town hall in Nove Mesto (New Town) on July 30, 1419?

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In which country did Meyer Lansky attempt to emigrate in 1970, only to be denied permanent sanctuary?

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Which country became a republic on August 16, 1960, with Archbishop Makarios as its president?

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Which country was created one day before India became independent?

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What month in 1962 was the tensest due to the Cuban missile crisis?

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Which African capital city was captured by Italian forces on May 5, 1936?

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addis ababa

To which city was the menorah taken after the second temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.?

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In which U.S. state was the first atomic-power submarine, the Nautilus, launched in 1954 at Groton?

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What revolutionary leader's gang raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico in 1916, despite the state acquiring statehood in 1912?

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pancho villa

What was the name of the group of 9 youths falsely accused of rape in 1931, named after an Alabama city?

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scottsboro boys

To which university hospital was President Reagan rushed after being wounded in 1981?

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george washington university

Which country, along with Russia and Austria, participated in the 1795 partition that resulted in Poland being wiped off the map?

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