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Geography Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 677

What is the name of the river that flows through the cities of Ludwigshafen and Mannheim?

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Which nearly landlocked bay shares its name with the capital of the Philippines?

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manila bay

On which sea's island can you rent Princess Margaret's villa on Mustique for about $6,000 a week?

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What is the largest African country where cotton is the major cash crop?

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In which Utah national park does the Great White Throne, a flat-topped monolith, rise about 2,400 feet above the canyon floor?

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What state has the 6,680-foot Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi River?

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north carolina

What is the name of the large valley that extends from Syria to Mozambique and divides East Africa in two?

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great rift valley

What is the name of the fifth-largest North American lake, which has Yellowknife on its shores and a name that means 'servile'?

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great slave lake

What is the name of the city that was anciently called Mancunium, whose residents are known as Mancunians?

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Which river is 6 1/2 miles wide at Khone Falls on the Cambodia-Laos border?

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Which city serves as Ohio's main port on the Ohio River?

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Which Balkan country established its first university, the State University of Tirana, in 1957?

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What is the name of the sea that is the deepest part of the Mediterranean and is named after one of Jupiter's lovers?

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ionian sea

On which Caribbean island can you find the Mus�e Volcanologique, which displays relics from the 1902 volcanic eruption?

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What Cleveland suburb in Ohio was named by surveyors in honor of the Greek 'Father of Geometry'?

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Which country was previously known as White Russia?

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Which country has Zagreb as its capital?

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In which African country's capital, Kampala, can you find its national museum?

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What is the capital of Western Australia whose growth was aided by the discovery of gold at Kalgoorlie in 1890?

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What is the name of the dam on the Columbia River in Washington State that has a generating capacity of nearly 6.5 million kilowatts?

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grand coulee dam

In which country can you take a daily hydrofoil across the Rio de la Plata from Buenos Aires to Colonia?

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What is the world's second-tallest mountain known locally as Dapsang and Chogori?

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What greater mountain chain do the Aures Mountains in Algeria belong to?

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atlas mountains

Through which Alpine peak does a 7.2-mile auto tunnel connect Courmayeur, Italy with Chamonix, France?

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mont blanc

What is the mountain range where Mount Elbrus, Russia's highest point, is located, which has over 20 glaciers?

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What is the name of the 3,212-foot waterfall in Venezuela that one might need Jacob's Ladder to climb past?

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angel falls

Which island nation is home to the Biminis, the westernmost group that lies about 60 miles east of Miami?

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In which U.S. state is the Willamette River the largest river contained entirely within its borders?

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Which westernmost prairie province in Canada is bordered on the west by British Columbia?

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Which country is located immediately south of Iraq, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates?

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saudi arabia

What mountain range does the Georgian Military Highway cross, which divides Asia from Europe?

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What is the Belgian community that gave its name to a coarse cloth used for making a type of bag and coat?

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Which gulf is connected to the Gulf of Oman by the Strait of Hormuz?

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persian gulf

What is the name of the lake located to the north of Nicaragua's capital?

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lake managua

In which state can you find the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, discovered in 1916, where only a few of the fumaroles are still fuming?

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Which river flows into the Motlawa near Gdansk, Poland?

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Which sea was named after a cannibalistic tribe that lived in the Lesser Antilles?

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caribbean sea

Which Central American country has its only access to the Pacific Ocean through the Gulf of Fonseca, located about 60 miles southwest of its capital, Tegucigalpa?

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In which state can you find Acadia National Park, home to the only fjord in the lower 48 states, Somes Sound?

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What is the largest lake in Venezuela that has a maximum depth of only 115 feet?

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lake maracaibo

Which 'great' Canadian lake is located on the Arctic Circle?

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great bear lake

What is the European country that is approximately 175 miles wide and is the westernmost landlocked nation on the continent?

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Which Tanzanian mountain features the highest point known as Uhuru Peak, which remains covered with snow and ice throughout the year?

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mount kilimanjaro

Which state's highest point is Mount Cheaha located in the Talladega Mountains?

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What desert occupying the southern half of Israel is largely covered with fertile soil?

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In which capital city of the U.S.A. is Punchbowl, an extinct volcano that contains a national cemetery?

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What is the tallest peak in the Andes, reaching over 22,000 feet, including peaks like Ojos del Salado?

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What southeastern Siberian lake has its deepest point about 3,800 feet below sea level?

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lake baikal

What is the name of the Eastern Mediterranean island where Mount Olympus is the highest point?

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What body of water is Jordan's only seaport, Al-Aqabah, located on?

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red sea

Which island in New Brunswick, Canada is connected to Lubec, Maine by the Roosevelt Memorial Bridge?

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campobello island

What is the term for a vast body of saltwater that some believe Earth originally had only one of, named Panthalassa?

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In which capital city can you find the Ruben Dario Theater, named after a renowned Nicaraguan poet?

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Which U.S. state is home to a meteor crater that is 4,150 feet wide and 570 feet deep?

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What is the name of the ancient mountain pass on Greece's east coast that means 'hot gates'?

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Which country includes Timor, the largest of its Lesser Sunda Islands, and Bali, one of the smaller ones?

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What region is known for Dal Lake and its flowing gardens, located in the 'Vale of' this area?

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Which state's name was first used for what is now called the Columbia River?

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What is the name of the famous Parkway that extends 450 miles in the Virginia-North Carolina range, starting 3000 feet above sea level?

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blue ridge parkway

What is the 5-letter name of the capital of Western Australia, named for a county in Scotland?

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