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Geography & Landmarks Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 13

Which organization's headquarters are located on the East River, between 42nd and 48th Streets, in an area known for double-parked diplomats?

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united nations

What structure does Tajikistan have the highest of in the world, while the U.S. doesn't even make the Top 10 with the Hoover?

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Which area of Manhattan was home to a Dance Theatre that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1989?

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Which Italian city is connected to the mainland by a 2-mile stone bridge crossing an Adriatic lagoon?

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In which city is Savile Row renowned for its fine custom tailoring shops?

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In which Canadian province can you ride the Jasper Tramway to over 7,500 feet?

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What river is an over 800-foot-high tower in Vienna named after, making it a good spot to observe the city?

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In which state was the largest diamond ever discovered in the U.S., known as the Uncle Sam Diamond, found?

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In which country is the Black Church, known for its walls being blackened by a fire in 1689, located in Brasov?

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What type of building is the summer one located in Pushkin and the winter one found north of it in St. Petersburg?

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In which country is the Kolmarden Zoo, one of Europe's largest, located in Ostergotland?

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In which Malaysian capital city can you find the Petronas Towers connected by a skyway?

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kuala lumpur

In which capital city is Roald Amundsen's polar ship, Gjoa, displayed in a maritime museum?

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