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Classic Literature Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 185

Which title character was described by Dickens as being 'born at Blunderstone, in Suffolk' and as a 'posthumous child'?

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david copperfield

Which author wrote 14 books about Oz and also some short stories?

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l. frank baum

Who is the physician that Miss Mary Morstan marries in several Sherlock Holmes stories?

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dr. watson

Which novel contains the line: 'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever'?

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In which Dickens novel does the character Jack Dawkins, also known as the Artful Dodger, appear?

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oliver twist

In the poem by Robert Burns, 'Gin a body meet a body', what is the body coming through?

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Which author is known for creating the fictional town of Middlemarch?

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george eliot

Which 1844 Dumas novel tells the story of the adventures of Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and D'Artagnan?

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three musketeers

Which novel features a title character who spends his early childhood with his mother and their servant Clara Peggotty?

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david copperfield

Who is the author of the 1720's novel 'The Adventures of Captain Singleton' that followed 'Robinson Crusoe'?

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daniel defoe

Which famous wild horse from Arabia was introduced in a 1941 book by Walter Farley?

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black stallion

What is the title of the 1871 sequel subtitled 'Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys'?

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little men

What is the title of the Edmund Spenser work that begins with 'The Legend of the Knight of the Red Cross'?

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faerie queene

Who is the character that, despite being married to Alexei, falls in love with Count Vronsky in a famous novel?

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anna karenina

In which Kipling story do Peachy Carnahan and Daniel Dravitt plan to make themselves kings of Kafiristan?

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man who would be king

What is the title of the Kipling story where two comic adventurers become the godlike leaders of an Afghan tribe?

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man who would be king

In which Sir Walter Scott classic is the beautiful Rebecca carried off by Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert?

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In which novel does a character named Emma take poison after exhausting her husband's inheritance on a love affair?

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madame bovary

Which author passed away in 1924 without finishing 'The Trial' and 'The Castle'?

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franz kafka

Which literary character is known as a bored French housewife who commits adultery, incurs substantial debt, and eventually takes her own life?

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madame bovary

In what fictional country created by Samuel Butler is the goddess Ydgrun worshipped?

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In which Orwell novel is the Ministry of Peace, also known as Minipax, responsible for war?

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Which R.D. Blackmore novel, set in Exmoor, Somerset, starts in the year 1673?

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lorna doone

What 1932 Pearl Buck novel was dramatized by Owen and Donald Davis?

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good earth

In a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, what title insignia does Arthur Dimmesdale reveal to bear on his chest?

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scarlet letter

By the age of 13, in which novel by Somerset Maugham is Philip Carey a student at the King's School in Tercanbury?

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of human bondage

What type of wild animal is Shere Khan in 'The Jungle Book'?

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Who is the governess brought to Thornfield Manor to care for Rochester's ward, Adele Varens?

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jane eyre

What is the name of the deer in the 1923 novel by Felix Salten, which was originally intended for adults as well as children?

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In Charles Dickens' novel 'Great Expectations', who is the spinster guardian of Estella, the woman Pip falls in love with?

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miss havisham

Which novel begins with the line, 'All happy families are alike but an unhappy family is unhappy after its own fashion'?

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anna karenina

Who is the evil hypnotist introduced by George Du Maurier in his 1894 novel 'Trilby'?

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Which book by Anna Sewell may have inspired the horse-narrated story 'Moorland Mousie'?

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black beauty

Who is the author of 'The Sketch Book' where Rip Van Winkle's tale appears?

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washington irving

Who is the author of 'Joseph Andrews' that wrote a preface to his sister Sarah's novel, 'The Adventures of David Simple'?

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henry fielding

Which 17th-century playwright's romantic troubles inspired him to write 'The School for Husbands' and 'The School for Wives'?

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In which Somerset Maugham novel does the 18-year-old Philip Carey move to Heidelberg?

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of human bondage

Who is the author of 'The Mansion', the third novel in the Snopes trilogy featuring Flem Snopes' stepdaughter Linda?

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william faulkner

In which novel does the character Bill Sikes, known as a violent roughneck, appear?

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oliver twist

In which Sir Walter Scott novel does Wamba, a courageous jester, endanger his life to save his master Cedric?

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Which author may have published 'The Vicar Of Wakefield' to avoid being imprisoned for debt?

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oliver goldsmith

What Evelyn Waugh novel is subtitled 'The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder'?

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brideshead revisited

What 1906 novel is set in Packingtown, the nickname for Chicago's Union Stockyards?

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What 1897 H.G. Wells novel begins with its title character completely wrapped up from head to foot?

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invisible man

In which Boris Pasternak novel does Chapter 2, part 4 reveal that Lara was only a little over sixteen but well developed?

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doctor zhivago

Who is the author of the 1820s novel 'The Prairie', in which Paul Hover is a bee hunter who eventually becomes a congressman?

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james fenimore cooper

In which well-loved novel does Laurie's wealthy grandfather give Beth her own piano?

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little women

In 'Through the Looking-Glass,' which character did Alice find puzzling because she couldn't tell if he was wearing a cravat or a belt?

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humpty dumpty

In an 1818 novel, who pursues his creation to the North Pole where they both die?

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In the title of a 1927 Willa Cather novel, who does 'Death Comes for'?

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Which novel begins with the line, 'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen'?

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Which author had his 'End of the Chapter' trilogy published posthumously, concluding his 'Forsyte Saga'?

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john galsworthy

What is both the setting and the title of Charles Dickens' novel featuring Little Nell?

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old curiosity shop

What classic animal tale was created by Walter Farley in 1941?

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black stallion

Which playwright's character in 'Candida' claims, 'I'm only a beer teetotaler, not a champagne teetotaler'?

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george bernard shaw

In which novel does the character Quilp say, 'What a pretty little Nell!'?

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old curiosity shop

Who is the author of 'The Pilgrim's Progress' where Apollyon is described as a 'foul fiend'?

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john bunyan

What is the title of Charles Dickens' last complete novel, which refers to a shared pal?

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our mutual friend

In which parish does Dr. Primrose serve as vicar in an Oliver Goldsmith work?

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What is the name of the lengthy work by Eugene O'Neill that is partly based on the Oresteia of Aeschylus?

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mourning becomes electra

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