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Astronomy Trivia Questions

Total Questions: 228

In what language are the scientific names of all constellations written?

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James W. Christy discovered Charon, a moon orbiting which distant planet, on June 22, 1978?

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Which planet has a moon named Triton that has a thin nitrogen atmosphere?

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Which planet's main moons can be remembered with the mnemonic 'Met Dr. Thip,' where Titan is represented by the second T?

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Which planet had a fifth satellite discovered by E.E. Barnard in 1892, with the previous satellites discovered by Galileo?

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What celestial body is known for its prominences, which are clouds, tubes, and tongues of gases?

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Hidalgo, one of what type of objects, reaches the orbit of Saturn, but most are confined to a belt between Mars & Jupiter?

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Which Danish astronomer discovered a 'new star' when Shakespeare was only 8 years old?

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tycho brahe

What astronomical object, discovered by Giovanni Donati in 1858, has a tail approximately 45 million miles long?

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Which planet has Callisto as its outermost Galilean moon?

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Which British astronomer was the first to state in 1718 that stars had individual motions?

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edmond halley

Which American astronomer's 1920s discovery that the universe is expanding serves as a basis for the Big Bang Theory?

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edwin hubble

What outer planet did John Couch Adams predict the existence of in 1845, which was discovered in 1846?

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Which planet has more than 20 satellites that share orbits?

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Which planet has a diameter estimated to be less than 2,000 miles?

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What planet did William Herschel discover in 1781, earning him a pension from King George III?

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Which astronomer determined that the Andromeda galaxy is 900,000 light years from Earth using an earthbound telescope?

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edwin hubble

Which third-largest planet spins on its axis at an angle of 98 degrees from the perpendicular?

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What is the name of the colorful feature on Jupiter that is centered at 22 degrees south latitude and measures about 22,000 miles long and 9,000 miles wide?

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great red spot

What type of celestial body, with a name derived from Latin for 'long-haired star,' are scientists at JPL learning to navigate a vessel close to?

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Which planet is the seventh from the sun and is approximately twice as far from the sun as Saturn?

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Which planet has a moon named Triton that orbits in a direction opposite to the planet's rotation?

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Which planet, currently the farthest from the Sun, has winds reaching speeds of 1500 mph, some of the strongest in the solar system?

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What highly fragmented celestial body was discovered by Eugene & Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy in 1993?

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What is the Greek-derived name of the brightest star in the night sky, which means 'scorching'?

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What celestial body does the SOHO observatory orbit, according to physicists?

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Which planet was struck by fragments of a comet first observed in 1993?

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What star cluster is known for having Alcyone as its brightest star and is sometimes called the Seven Sisters?

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Which planet did Johann Galle discover in 1846 based on the calculations of a French mathematician?

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Which planet in our solar system orbits the sun at a 98-degree axis, almost lying on its side?

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Who became the first person to discover a comet by telescope in 1847?

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maria mitchell

Which planet in our solar system comes last alphabetically?

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What astronomical event resulted in the formation of the Crab Nebula that was observed by Chinese astronomers in 1054?

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What celestial object, named Hale-Bopp, will be among the brightest in the night sky in April 1997?

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What planet is represented by a symbol that includes the letter H, honoring William Herschel?

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Which German astronomer published his three laws of planetary motion in 1609 and 1619?

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johannes kepler

What is the scientific term for the visible surface of the sun?

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What supergiant, pulsating variable star is also known as the North Star?

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What is the unit of distance abbreviated as 'pc' and equal to 3.21 light years in astronomy?

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In what southern constellation is the closest star to Earth, besides the sun, located?

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Which planet ranks as the third-largest in our solar system?

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What is the name of the violent storm on Jupiter that was first discovered in 1664?

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great red spot

What is the next planet in the sequence: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn?

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Which planet has a known moon named Charon, discovered by James W. Christy in 1978?

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Which planet in our solar system has the strongest surface gravity, 2.64 times that of Earth?

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What is the name of the closely spaced group of stars named after a group of seven sisters?

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Which is the only planet in our solar system that was discovered by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh?

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Which planet's moon, Titan, has a thicker atmosphere than Earth?

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